How safe is your home?
If you haven’t assessed your home security for a while, it may be worth considering whether your home and household are as safe and protected as you would like them to be.
Here are some easy tips to ensure that your home security is up to date.
Even in the nicest neighbourhoods or in gated communities, robberies can happen. No matter where you live in Australia, the right home security can be a significant asset. Don’t be complacent about the safety of your home and family; get smart about security!
Check out these 10 tips for smarter home security.
1. Consider your outdoor spaces
Burglars are more likely to target a home if they have had the chance to watch it for a short time. They are looking to see patterns in your activity to find the perfect time to break in.
The last thing you want is to give burglars a place to hide while they watch your actions, so take some time to consider your home from a burglar’s point of view.
If you stand on the footpath outside your house and have a look from the street, can you see any blind spots that a burglar could hide behind?
Large shrubs and overhanging branches can give burglars a sheltered place to hide from your neighbours and watch your home from a concealed position.
Keep your shrubs trimmed and your front yard clear to eliminate blind spots from the street.
If a thief has nowhere to hide, they’ll likely move on to another house.
2. Fencing for home security
How secure is your fencing?
There is a huge range of fencing options available, with some that are designed to reduce noise pollution, some that are designed to suit heritage-style homes, and others that are designed for better home security.
Speak with fencing experts such as Jim’s Fencing if you’re considering upgrading or repairing your home fencing to a more secure option.
3. Update the locks when you move in
When you move to a new property, one of your first job should be to change the locks.
You have no way of knowing how many people may have copies of the keys to your home, so be smart and call a locksmith as soon as you can.
4. Don’t forget about your virtual space
Breaches to your home security aren’t always physical.
Burglars are becoming more and more tech-savvy to keep up with technology and could find a way to break into your cyberspace.
You may need professional help with this home security measure, so reach out to a local specialist such as Jim’s IT.
The outlay is worth the peace of mind that you will feel knowing that your passwords, online banking, and other private online spaces are protected.
You and your IT specialist can decide on such measures as:
- Antivirus technology;
- Firewalls and encryption;
- Analysis of your network infrastructure; and
- Disaster recovery solutions.
5. Purchase security equipment
There are a huge range of options for smart security for your home or business.
Depending on your budget here are some options that you might like to consider installing:
- Alarm sensors to detect movement;
- Smart locks on your exterior doors;
- Outdoor surveillance cameras;
- Security alarms;
- CCTV systems;
- Intercom systems; and
- Access control systems to restrict access to your property.
6. Watch your wiring
Many home security systems rely on wires that run outside, a fact that clever burglars are often aware of.
All it takes is one well-placed snip, and all your electronic security measures become utterly useless.
When installing a security system, it’s worth consulting with an expert to ensure that any security measure that you have in place are correctly installed and functioning as they have been designed to do.
7. Never let your home look vacant
There are a few ways to do this.
If you have a smart home security system, you may be able to control your home protection from your device, wherever you are.
That way, you can turn on your lights or television at night to make it look like you’re at home.
If you don’t have a smart home security system, you can install timed lights to turn on and off during the evening.
Burglars know what to look for when homeowners are away for an extended time – unkempt lawns and stacked up mail are at the top of their lists.
If you’re planning on being away for a long time, have someone tend to the lawn and garden while you are away.
Consider asking a trusted neighbour to park their car in your driveway.
Not only will you deter burglars looking for a vacant house, but you’ll be pleased to come home to a neat garden.
8. Don’t hide a key outside
Whatever sneaky place you are hiding your key outside, a burglar already knows to look there. They’ve seen it all.
Thieves will often search for a hidden key before they attempt to find another way into your home.
By hiding a key outside, you are giving a burglar the key to your home.
Instead keep your spare key with a nearby family member or a trusted neighbour, or if you want to store one outside consider using a combination key safe.
9. Don’t advertise your holiday on social media
That’s not to say you shouldn’t show off the snaps of you basking on a tropical beach or exploring the Great Barrier Reef; just wait until you’re at home before posting them online.
Don’t forget, your followers could be people that you don’t actually know that are using social media to monitor when your home might be unoccupied.
It’s worth noting that if your social media profile is public, anyone can access your profile, and anyone can find out where you live with location tagging.
An empty home provides the perfect opportunity for a break-in, so it’s best to keep home security in mind before hitting the “post” button on an exciting holiday status update.
10. Install security doors
A security door that meets or exceeds Australian Standards will deter burglars looking for an easy way into your home.
They know a quality door when they see one. Without a security door, a burglar can, in most cases, pick a lock or simply break through the door to gain entry to your home.
An Australian Standards approved security door will present a more challenging obstacle to burglars because they are designed to withstand forced entry attempts.
A good security door should:
- Match the aesthetics of your home;
- Be made in Australia;
- Be backed up by a long warranty period;
- Be custom-designed for your space; and
- Be installed by an experienced and qualified installer.
There is another bonus to having a security door installed at your home or business: it acts as a visual deterrent to a thief because they will recognize that breaking through that door will be difficult, time-consuming, and noisy.
Unless a thief has specifically targeted your home, they’ll be more likely to leave your home alone in favor of an easier target.
If you are looking for smarter ways to upgrade your home security, call Jim’s Group today on 13 15 46 to speak with our friendly customer service team about any of the mowing, fencing, security or IT services mentioned in this article.